Monday, November 1, 2010

Eye Opener: Junk on the Brain

Part 1:
Antique/Antiquing: "Antiquing" is shopping for antiques. An antique is defined as an "old collectible item."

Junk/junking: Junk is "discarded material and junking is defined as to discard as useless or sell to be reused as parts; scrap."

Flea market: This is a type of "bazaar where inexpensive or secondhand goods are sold or bartered."

Thrift shop: Also known as a charity shop, this is a "retail establishment operated by a charitable organization for the purpose of fundraising. They usually sell mainly second-hand goods donated by members of the public".

Upcycling: This is the process of "converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value."

Resale shop: Identical to a thrift shop, it is defined as the "selling of something purchased".

Part 2:

The above terms have everything to do with environmental health. These terms define a new way to reuse what we consider “junk”. Instead of just throwing our old stuff into the garbage we can reconstruct new ways to get use out of it. Or we can donate it so that someone else has the opportunity to use it. This is a great way to “recycle” old things to create a new environmentally friendly object.
  1. Antique Boutique: 357 Canal Park Dr, Duluth,Mn 55802 (218)529-7667
  2. Old Town Antiques & Books: 102 E Superior St, Duluth, Mn 55802 (218)722-5426
  3. General Trading CO: 420 NE 4th St, Grand Rapids, Mn 55744 (218)326-3451
  4. Goodwill: 700 Garfield Avenue, Duluth, Mn 55802 (218)722-6351
  5. Green Purse: 218 Orchard Rd., Kohler, WI 53044 (920)459-8518
  6. Plato's Closet:5115 Burning Tree Road, Suite 315C, Duluth, Mn 55811 (218)733-9455

I have never been to an antique shop but I do use Plato's Closet. I love Plato's because it has gently used clothes for very reasonable prices. I like to buy my jeans there because I like the feel of "worn-in" jeans. I have also used Goodwill for halloween costumes and other occasions where I would need to dress up.

Part 3:

I thought this project was super creative! Kathy Stantz used an old window to make an organizer/bulletin board. This is something that I can actually see myself making and it's great to see steps on how to do it.

This project is a clock made out of an old gear. This inspired me because it looks authentic, is easy to do and only took 30 minutes to create. Sue Whitney did an awesome job in creating this gear-clock.

This one is my favorite. With the holiday season creeping right around the corner, what's better than making some antique ornaments! Sue Whitney creates these with old sugar bowl lids, how easy it that?! This is a project that I would love to create for a more traditional way to decorate for Christmas time.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about Junking! I look forward to hearing your comments on the projects I found that had inspired me.


  1. I like the gear clock a lot. It has an old feel to it that I like. Using a window as a bulletin board is awesome; such a practical use!

  2. I liked the window project a lot and thought it was a great practical idea. I love the idea of mating something old with something new and cutting edge or using something in a unique way. Junking is so great!

  3. I really like that window project. What a neat idea for college kids. I could defintely use one of these actually.

  4. I really love the window organizer! And what a great idea to make antique christmas ornaments and give them away as presents! awesome!

  5. The gear as a clock is so cool, it seems really hard to do however. I really want to try to make something similar.

  6. I just recently went to Plato's closet for the first time and I really like it too. I also really like that window organizer. It's such a good idea and seems like it would really be useful.
