Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Share & Voice: The Daily Green

While searching on the internet, I stumbled across this really cool blog: The Daily Green. This is an eco-friendly blog that is designed to offer daily tips, news and other topics of interest that relate to going green in our community. Their mission is to "broaden the audience for earth-friendly living by showing how going green is relevant to everyone." Below is an article that I found to be not only interesting, but suitable to all you followers.

  1. Be a re-user
    You can re-use other's textbooks and let them use yours for free on sites such as Chegg, PaperBackSwap and Bookins. All you have to pay is shipping fees.
  2. Turn Off the Water
    Leaving the faucet running can waste up to 1.3-gallons of water! Instead of leaving the water run while brushing your teeth, just turn the water off.
  3. Reuse Paper
    Don't throw away paper that can possible be made for scrap paper. Use this as your post-it notes to save on extra costs. Or just use it to take lecture notes during class.
  4. Download a free energy-saving application for your computer
    To reduce the amount of energy your computer uses when you’re not on it, download an energy-saving application like Local Cooling or CO2 Saver. Or just simply turn it off.
  5. Be Thrifty
    Shop at a thrift store. Thrift store shopping is another way to of recycle and regulate CO2 emissions.
  6. Spend Less Time in the Shower
    Reducing your shower time by just 2 minutes, can save 1,000 pounds of CO2 emissions into the air. This will use less electricity to heat the water and conserve water.
  7. Go Paperless
    Instead of wasting paper on bank statements, go online and switch to paperless. This can save a lot of trees!
  8. Try Reusable Shopping Bags
    Ditch those plastic bags and purchase a couple reusable shopping bags instead. You can use them for groceries, clothes and to carry your books and laptop.
  9. Recycle Your Old Cell Phone
    Recycle your old cell phones. You can find a cell phone recycling center either near your school or at a local cell phone distributor store.
  10. Consolidate Your Hair Care Products
    Buy 2-in-1 shampoo plus conditioner and then throw away just one container. If you don't like that idea, then buy hair products that come in a recycled container.
  11. Wash Clothes in Cold Water
    This causes less heat damage to your clothing (like fading and shrinking), uses less electricity and produces less CO2.
Well there you have it. A quick list you can follow to go green, while living on a tight college budget. Most of these are completely free or relatively cheap to incorporate into your daily life.
I hope that most of you can find a few on this list to fit your environmentally friendly lifestyle!


  1. I really like these tips. I think this touches on a lot of the things we've learned in class and it's really nice to see these changes made to apply to the college lifestyle.

  2. This is so awesome! Just goes to show that you dont need to spend money to save the earth! I think this is probably really apealing to a lot of college kids-- I was to me anyway :)

  3. This sounds like a great blog and the article had great tips that were not too hard to do as a college student. Being green doesn't always have to cost a lot of green and that is just great! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Katie, very cool blog of ideas you found here especially for us college kids. I actually comply and follow some of these concepts. I use Chegg's website for books, shop at thrift stores, conserve water, use 2 in 1 shampoo, and use cold water to wash my clothes to name a few. It's great that blogs, etc... offer various ideas/ways to go green and help the environment and it's really cool that more often than not it's very inexpensive. Nice post.

  5. These are very good ideas for college students. I know I used to ask myself many times how I could become more "green" and after looking at this list there are so many easy ways. A few of the ones I do are washing my clothes in cold water, went paper-less for my credit card bills, and take quicker showers. Being green is a lot easier than most people think.
