Saturday, November 27, 2010

Share & Voice: Green Holiday Parties

We all know that Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the Holiday Season. Here we embark on numerous parties and get-togethers with our family and friends. I recently found Earth Share's article: Green Your Holiday Gatherings. EarthShare was "founded by its member charities in 1988. It is an opportunity for caring employees and workplaces to support hundreds of environmental charities through workplace giving campaigns. This is an annual, employer-sponsored program that lets employees contribute a few dollars per paycheck as their charitable donation." Below are steps you can take before, during and after your holiday party to keep it an eco-friendly affair.

Before the event:
  • Use safe cleaning products
  • Follow this Guide to Non-Toxic Cleaning
  • Ventilate your house by the use of fans and opening your windows
  • Plan your meal according to local food available and buy foods that are in their peak season
  • Check out more Holiday Food Tips
  • Reuse your old decorations
  • Keep in mind that pumpkins, squash and corn make the best decorations and can be used later in your favorite side dishes
During the event:
  • Use your own dishes, not paper plates and plastic silverware
  • Try replacing your lights with LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes)
  • Designate your waste bins (trash, paper, plastic, etc)
After the event:
  • Consider starting a food compost by combining all of your "veggie scraps, produce peels, coffee grounds, teabags and more with some of your autumn leaves you've raked up and you'll have an excellent foundation of nutrient-rich soil"
  • Use your dishwasher (YES this is more environmentally-friendly!)
  • Relax
Want more tips on How to Green Your Holidays? Check out their website. They offer great tips on how to Travel Green, Eat Green, Give Green and Party Green! I hope you find something that you can use in your holiday planning!


  1. These are great tips for the upcoming holidays! I always wondered if dishwashers were eco-friendly because I know many times I see people wash their dishes one by one. This seems it would take more water than a dishwasher. Did it mention any other tips as to why they are eco-friendly? I think over the holidays a compost is a great suggestion because of how many leftover food scraps everyone has.

  2. These are really useful eco-friendly tips! Did you use some of these for in your organic Thanksgiving endeavor? It's a relief to hear that dishwashers are more eco-friendly since that is definitely my preferred method of washing dishes.

  3. Very cool website you found here. It's really awesome that they offer so many ways to go green and conserve energy for the holiday season. I think a lot of people tend to forget how many resources they are using during the holidays and this site does a great job of cutting down and limiting those things. Very nice post.

  4. This is a great website! I love all the party ideas since this is the time when gatherings become kind of excessive. Most of those ideas are creative and actually easier than the the non-eco-friendly choice! Nice job finding this and thanks for sharing!
