Sunday, December 12, 2010

Advocacy Project:Obesity and Your Everyday Life

Hi Everyone! Today you are going to learn about Obesity and Your Everyday Life. This online activity will make you more knowledgeable about Obesity and how it can affect your health. You will also asses your everyday habits such as eating and physical activity to see how healthy you are! Just follow the instructions and answer the questions that follow. Enjoy!

This online activity is designed to increase the awareness of the obesity epidemic in our country. Through this activity you will review the literature and answer some questions concerning this topic.

This is a two-part assignment. First read through the sources in Part One, then complete the activities in Part Two.

Part One:

Visit WebMd and read through this article: Learn about Obesity.
You will then be familiar with Obesity, its causes and when to seek help if you are at risk.

Next, visit the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) to view the possible health risks that go hand in hand with being obese or overweight.

Finally, check out Steps to a Healthier You!, to get the steps, tips and information about healthy eating and ways to be active every day of your life.

Part Two:
  1. First Calculate Your BMI to see if you are or at risk of becoming obese/overweight.
  • What is your BMI? Make sure to check over the chart to see where you are in your weight group.
  • Do you think this is an accurate way to measure body fat? Why or why not?
2. Visit the MyPyramid Plan to find out the amount of each food group that you should be consuming on a daily basis. Type in your age, gender, height/weight and how active you are to receive a customized food guide.
  • According to this food guide, are you currently taking in the adequate amount of calories each day?
  • Are you making the recommended requirements for each food group? If not, how do you plan to increase/decrease your intake?
3. Finally, use the Calories Burned Estimator to calculate how many calories you burn doing your favorite activities. Just enter your weight and how many minutes you do an activity. Then click calculate.
  • What is your favorite activity to do?
  • Were you surprised on how many calories it burned? Why or why not?
Obesity is a rising problem in our society. By completing this online activity, I hope that you now have a better knowledge of what obesity is, what causes it and the health risks that go along with this problem. In addition, you will have also analyzed your daily intake and expenditure of calories to make sure you are on the right track to keeping your body healthy and fit.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about obesity and how it can affect you.


  1. Katie, good job finding an interesting way for us to gain knowledge on your topic. This is very useful information that all of us should know to have a better lifestyle.

  2. It's nice to have these resources out their to teach us correct techniques and guidelines: calculating BMI, food guide, and calories. This is always useful information and hopefully everyone can take it to heart and learn it for themselves to keep or make a better balanced lifestlyle.

  3. I like the last exercise where you can find out what activities burn how many calories. It's kind of surprising to compare some of them!! I'm kind of disappointed that some of the activities didn't burn as many calories as I'd hope they would

  4. This is a good activity to get everyone aware of what they actually need to be intaking and burning each day. I don't think many people are aware of this so getting it out there will help to increase exercise and healthy eating hopefully!

  5. This is a great activity, it accurately measures people's bodies for the most part, besides the fact that muscular people (mainly guys) can't correctly be assessed in the BMI. And it's always interesting to see how many calories we burn!

  6. I really liked your activity. It really put perspective on what I need to change in order to be healthier and more fit. Your resources will really help in making that change!
