Thursday, October 7, 2010

Reflection: Weeks 1-4

I honestly can't believe it has been 4 weeks since we first started class. So far I have learned so much about environmental health and this is my first reflection piece. First off, we learned how to create a blog. This not only included making a google account but it also showed us how to design our layout and draft our blog profile. In addition to making our first blog we were also shown how to make an avatar. An avatar is a cartoon picture of ourselves. The next week we learned about blogging etiquette, adding different gadgets, posting to our blogs and commenting on other blog members of our group. It's nice getting feedback from my peers because it let's me know that people actually care about what I write about as well as my findings. In the third week we were introduced to google reader. This is a cool site because it allows you to put all of your group members under a subscription so that you can see which profiles were recently updated. This is especially helpful when you have to comment on their new posts. This past week we got the opportunity to visit the Bagley Outdoor classroom. It's amazing how eco-friendly the building is! I was personally amazed by the toliets. It's so neat that they don't actually flush but are sent instead to a compost container. We were also opened to how much we affect our world by finding out what our ecological footprint was. This was discovered by taking a test online that our professor, Dr.V, discovered. Even though I learned that it would take 4.1 planets to supply the amount of energy that I consume, it opened my eyes and made me realized that I need to modify the way I live on this earth. In addition, we also started reading our Read 'n' Seed books. The one that I chose was Don't Eat This Book: The Supersizing of America. So far it talks about the negative effect fast food industries have on this country. I am excited to read more about this and share it with every.

Well, that's the last four weeks in a nutshell. I look forward to learning so much more about our environment and the impact that we have on this planet!


  1. Katie,
    I agree completely, it is crazy how much we have learned in just 4 weeks. I never thought I would have a blog in my life and now it is a part of my daily routine!

  2. I thought the toilets in Bagley were cool too :) I also liked how the lights only turned on if no sunlight was coming in!

  3. I was also pretty impressed with Bagley Outdoor classroom, that's been one of my favorite things we've learned about so far. I think it's amazing what a variety of topics we've learned about in just 4 weeks!

  4. I thought the Bagley Classroom was pretty awesome too. I'm hoping to use some of the ideas for my own house someday. I can't wait to go to more places in the future.

  5. I love getting feedback from our peers. It is so nice to hear what our group members have to say!
