Monday, October 4, 2010

Share & Voice: Duluth's Scenery

Duluth is gorgeous around this time of the year. Even though Fall is my favorite season and I absolutely love all the Fall colors, I decided to capture some pictures of the sunrise and sunset down in Canal Park.
I hoped you enjoyed looking at my pictures of Duluth's scenery! I highly recommend everyone to go out and experience it for themselves, it truly is breathtaking!


  1. Gorgeous pictures, Katie! I love watching the sunrise over the lake and I think this pictures really capture how pretty it can be. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Beautiful pictures! I've never watched the sunset or sunrise in canal. I'll have to go do that sometime. :)

  3. I love the pictures, Katie! Duluth is truly a beautiful place to live and I am ashamed about how much I take it for granted. There are some mornings like in the pictures, though, that I feel very fortunate!

  4. Amazing pictures Katie, Canal Park is by far my favorite part of Duluth!!

  5. Absolutely GORGEOUS pictures! I love canal park and especially at sunset! What beautiful colors! Great job!

  6. These are so pretty. I could never be bored with a sunrise or sunset over the lake. It is such a beautiful sight.
